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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Under the Florida Sun!

We have three large pots and one tomato plant in the small pot to the right.
About a month ago, the other candidates and I started our little garden with the help of Caroline's(a candidate) mom, she gave us everything! I thought you all would enjoy seeing these pictures.

One of the many squash flowers, I am actually not sure what type of squash it is we will have to see when it grows some more!
Basil, we love the fresh basil! We just pick a couple leaves and add it to the spaghetti sauce and it addes so much delicious flavor! It grows so fast and easy!

Our miraculous cucumbers! We thought that it had died becuase of one of the many torrential downpours we often have here in Florida, but after a couple days of sickness it sprouted up again very alive and vibrant! You can see the little baby cucumbers growing at the end of the flower!
Chives! (I think), I thought that chives had little purple flower at the top of them and ours don't so now I doubt that they are chives, maybe they are just little green onions which I can never tell the difference betweent the two anyway, so I don't really know but they are growing quite well despite the fact that they also almost died in the torrential downpour. Behind the chives you can see our other basil plants and the beautiful Florida sun, constantly shining down very brightly!
The little baby tomatoes! You should have seen me when I saw these after a couple days of not being at the house, I was ecstatic! I am very enthusiastic about this garden(more than any of the other girls, I might have an obsession), but it just brings me a lot of joy to see things grow!

Italian parsely!

I was having fun taking these photos, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

I love you and I am praying for you all!


  1. Great shots Mary!!

  2. yeah!!! You are practically a professional with the camera! I really enjoyed all the pictures, thanks for sharing. I can't wait to actually have something to show you all. We are slower over here in the NorthWest. Floridians get the sun! Miss you and thanks again for sharing! (It's OK to have an obsession with the plants, I do too! I think you are simply in awe over what God can do!) :)

