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Monday, July 16, 2012

"Sisters, Sisters . . . There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters . . ."

Even though I have about six loads of laundry to fold and dirty dishes, I had to write this post! The kids and I watched Mary receive her habit and enter the novitiate this morning with the Servant Sisters. I could barely contain my tears and my heart barely stayed in my chest! 

The graces were flowing, you could just tell. It was so incredible to witness a person take the first step in discerning a life totally and completely lived for God. She is doing it. The habit that she received today is a sign of the life she is living. It basically says to God, "I am completely yours, do with me as you will." There is something about the habit that is striking I think. I am often taken aback with surprise and joy when I see a religious walking around in public. It makes me want to talk to them. Tell them I am Catholic too. Tell them I support what they are doing, that I agree - and I am inspired. Inspired is the key I think. With the habit they can't "escape" their life, or try to be normal and fit in. We sure can, we can blend right in. In fact, I often want to blend right in and not be noticed as a Catholic. Not have my scapular accidentally hang out over my clothes, not be seen praying the rosary, etc. It's cowardice on my part - but the religious are a living and walking proof that they live their lives truly for God. They wear their HUGE scapulars for everyone to see. What a witness. 

Mary receiving her scapular!

All day today I kept thinking about how the religious life compliments the married life. I have heard it before but today it took on a new meaning. When Mary and others join the religious life they give up a huge sacrifice. They will take a vow to remain celibate for the rest of their life. To the world this is absolutely crazy. "Why would anyone want to be celibate?!?! And for the rest of their lives??!!" they say. Understandably so, marriage is awesome.

By giving up the married life, by choosing celibacy, the religious are making a great sacrifice. Marriage is so important to God's plan that it takes years of discerning, wearing a habit, prayers after prayers and living a life radically different than that of the world. This is the religious life and this is their sacrifice. It complements marriage by simply giving it up. It is a hard thing to do. Yes, I'm sure they long for children, for the companionship of a spouse and all the wonderful things about marriage and living in the world - but as a religious Christ is their spouse and they are married to the Church. What a perfect spouse to have! I am a bit jealous because as a Sister they can truly say this prayer and make it their own:

"I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me. Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the fields,
and lodge in the villages, let us go out early to the vineyards, and see whether the vines have budded, whether the grape blossoms have opened and the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give you my love. The mandrakes give forth fragrance, and over our doors are all choice fruits, new as well as old, which I have laid up for you, O my beloved."
- Song of Solomon 7: 10 -13

At the end of the procession the sisters came back to the Church to say hi to their families on the webcam. Each of the sisters said something different - but what was the same about all of them was their joy! They were beaming from ear to ear. The joy was almost contagious, I couldn't hold back my smile that's for sure! 

Thank you Sisters, especially our very own Sister Mary for the witness you have given to all of us!

Excuse the poor quality - but can't you tell she is beaming?! She is saying hello to all her friends and family - telling us she is praying for us all!

I wanted to add a quick note here - Mary is still discerning the religious life. This means that she does not profess her final vows for five more years. She can discern this is not her vocation - and we completely support her in that. Our excitement is simply because she has chosen to discern - taken the leap. It's a big step because not many people do it! We support her 100% in her discernment period, no matter the outcome. Please remember to keep her in your prayers because discernment isn't easy!

"The virgin's heart must be far more generous in its love than even the heart of the married; it must be inebriated by that supernatural love which destroys all selfishness...The closer a soul is united to God, Who is Love, the more it loves. Surely the bride of Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, wedded as she is to Love Incarnate, must exceed all in love. We know now why consecrated virginity represents the most exalted state on earth: because it involves a marriage in the strictest sense with Christ; and because it is not only the state of greatest purity, but the state of greatest love. The vocation of Christ's bride is simple--to love."
                            - Dietrich von Hildebrand

Now for your viewing pleasure!

Make sure to read Clare's reflection on Mary joining the religious life here:

 If you want to see some pictures of Mary as a baby check this post out:


  1. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. This is pretty amazing to say the least. I heard it said once that religious & lay celibates show us what heaven will be like as there is no marriage after we die.

  2. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  3. AnonymousJuly 17, 2012

    One of the things that struck me as I watched Mary take this step was the courage that it must take to choose this life. At my wedding, I had my dad's arm just before we entered the church. My dad said, "You're trembling." I was nervous, but as soon as we entered and I saw Basil standing there waiting for me I relaxed and just walked toward him. I wasn't alone, we would be doing this together. To the naked eye, Mary and the other women were making this move alone. I know, I know they're not really alone, but it's gotta be different than making the decision as a couple. It's really very profound that they are marrying a spouse that they can't really see. Quite beautiful and very courageous....Marcelle

  4. AnonymousJuly 17, 2012

    Oh no! I turned off the computer before the girls greeted the families! So sorry I missed it...Marcelle

  5. I am so proud to have a sister like her! She is such a wonderful example. I am putting her picture in the kids room. Bobby wanted to know why Nana was with Blessed Mother when he saw the picture you sent. SO cute.

  6. That's hilarious! So cute, Bobby.

