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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Adeline's Father's Day Gift.

   For Father's Day this year I didn't want to spend any money (well I did but knew I shouldn't) so Addy and I put together a little photo shot for Daddy. During the photo shot she got to hold signs, each one saying a different word or words and then I framed them to make a loving message for him.

  It was so funny trying to get this outdoor loving, explorer 1 1/2 year old to sit still for a few shots. These pictures tell their own story so scroll down and enjoy!

Her shirt says it all.

 We did end up getting a few good ones so here's the finished product.

 Daddy loved it so much and thats all that mattered :)

1 comment:

  1. so, so, SO cute!! She is the cutest little Stong out there!

