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Monday, December 5, 2011


Thanksgiving at the Stonghold this year was great, Patrick and Francesca came all the way up from Ave Maria to be with us!!! Addy very much enjoyed having uncle and auntie around to play with and Brian and I were so pleased to have family in town. We showed them around base and spent one evening at the beach as well as the Thanksgiving festivities.  We didn't get to many pictures but I'll share the ones we did get.

Our delicious turkey the day after Thanksgiving(spent TD at a friends house so we made a 'family' turkey the next day).

Our lovely guest.

Adeline's favorite part about Thanksgiving, the turkey leg! Look how huge it is!!!

MY favorite part about Thanksgiving, the delicious apple pie Fran made! We fought over this pie the morning after :)

Hanging out at the beach.

Sisters. Miss you, Fran!


  1. We love the pictures! Thanks for posting them! Makes us feel a little more connected way out west over here. Love and miss you all!

  2. ....and that pie looks to DIE for!!!!

