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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fun with Pictures


The weather has been very pleasant!  I think in this phase of nesting I am doing it garden style.  Robert picked up the baker's rack off craigslist then Bobby (my muscle) Joyce and I have put in the rocks and dirt and planted ground cover.  It should look wonderful in about 6 weeks!

Girls are so fun!  Our collection has gotten a little crazy so we made a bow holder!  I covered and old wood picture frame with some embroidered denim material and then added the ribbon.  The staple gun was a hit.  I don't think the sewing table will recover gracefully.

Functional Art!

Aunt Theresa Feller made and apron for Joyce.  She loves it and Grandma is so happy to have the kids over and to watch them play.  She is recovering amazingly fast after her hip replacement!

One of these will be Joyce's Easter dress. Can't pick between 'em though!

FUNNYSo wild woman Joyce decided at bath time she wanted to go help Daddy in the garage.  I got her undressed and was looking for her.   She was hiding in the coat closet. That is Bobby's hat,  her big jacket and her rain boots on the wrong feet.

Goofy Bob wanted his picture taken.

My big helpers can help themselves onto the counter now.  They are getting so big.  Joyce likes to play in the sink and Bob usually stirs or adds things to the pot.  He is by far the most experienced taste tester and food appreciator!
Robert brought home 5 4 day old kittens that he found on a job-site.  They still had their eyes shut tight.  He stopped at PetSmart and got bottles and formula for them. I had Theresa's 2 kids for a few days; here they are all feeding those tiny kittens.  This makes 3 for 3 pregnancies tiny kittens have been brought into our care.  They were so wonderful for the evening, but a little much for me at this point.  We took them to the shelter on the way to birthing class. Bobby was so sad to see them go.  When we got home that night he woke up crying.  He told us that he really missed the kittens and was worried about them.  He is such a caring little man. He really knows how to make a Mama's heart melt.

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest story about the kittens! You can just see the sheer delight in Joyce's face. I love it. Thanks for sharing! The bow idea is great too! Im sure Joyce is so proud of the display. We can't wait till baby comes!!!

